Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The BEB Blogtionary

I will try to link any shorthand or abbreviations I use here so those who aren't fluent in forum-ese can know what in the world im talking about.  I'll add words as I think of them, so the blogtionary will start off very short and grow over time.

A- my son, born 2-08
AFK- away from keyboard

BF- breastfeed
BFF- best friend forever
BG- Baby-gaga, a pregnancy and parenting forum I belong to
BM- breastmilk



E- my daughter, born 7-09
EPI- epidural
EPIS- episiotomy

FF- formula-feed

GL- good luck





L&D- the labor and delivery wing of the hospital



OHT- one handed typing (usually done with a child on the lap or on the boob)

POAS- pee on a stick (to take a pregnancy test)



SAHM- stay at home mother



VBAC- vaginal birth after cesarean 

WTF- what the f*


